Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow day

Yep, it's a snow day alright. We're expected to get around a foot to 16 inches by midnight. Schools and state offices are closed, and I'm working from home today. Brendan is cutting out early too, to avoid the blizzard. Hopefully train delays won't keep him away for too long...

As I'm looking out the window, the snow is falling hard now and the cars and buildings are piling up with the pretty white stuff. It's a beautiful sight, especially from the inside of my cozy 6th floor apartment building. The visibility is low, but below I can see tiny people fighting off the blustery winds with their down parkas, and little dogs with funny jackets on, just loving it. Roof tops are gradually collecting snow and the parking lot across the street is filled. I'll bet the Slopers are breakin' out the sleds and cross country skiis over at Prospect Park. We outta get out there. It's not many days in the year that look like this...

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